Satyananda Tapovanam, Bangalore, 2003

The sessions are often informal, and have been edited to retain content which has a focussed satsang / discourse element, usually prompted by someone asking a question. This series is early 2003.

Select a post from the list below to read or listen

The Middle Path.

The ninth and last recording in the archive series of 2003 from the Satyananda Tapovanam Ashram in Bangalore, India. Conversation and discourse from Swami Nishchalananda. In this last session more of the informal exchanges have been…

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Personal growth and inner conflict.

The seventh in the archive series of 2003 from the Satyananda Tapovanam Ashram in Bangalore, India. Conversation and discourse from Swami Nishchalananda. These sessions are edited to get the essence of Swamiji’s replies to questions, or…

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Predestination, Karma, and Sweet Songs.

The sixth in the archive series of 2003 from the Satyananda Tapovanam Ashram in Bangalore, India. Conversation and discourse from Swami Nishchalananda. These sessions are edited to get the essence of Swamiji’s replies to questions, or…

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Kriyas, Yoga Nidra, and other matters

The fourth in the archive series of 2003 from the Satyananda Tapovanam Ashram in Bangalore, India. Discussion and Discourse from Swami Nishchalananda. ‘What are the origins of Kriya Yoga?’ a questioner asks Swamiji. His response is…

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You Are What You Are

The sessions from Satyananda Tapovanam in January 2003 continue with this session from the 5th January. Question driven, it shows Swamiji in an uncompromising mood regarding the essential nature of being beyond the personality and mind.…

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Mantra, Grace and other matters

The first in a series taken from Swami Nishchalananda’s visit to Indiafrom December 2002 to January 2003 The sessions from Satyananda Tapovanam are quite informal, but always contain pearls of wisdom from Swamiji’s extensive knowledge of…

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